Friday, 21 January 2011

During The Lesson..

I have gone around college and taken photos of people with guitars in a brick background, i have spent the majority of the lesson editing the photo so that it looks up to standard. Next lesson i will be finding a font, adding puffs and plugs as well.

Front cover image

this is the image i am using for my front cover. i had to edit the photo because there was a random window and a warning sign, therefore i had to copy and paste the bricks, to make the whole image have the brick effect.

Friday, 14 January 2011

Font Ideas

i Went on Da Font and i found these 3 fonts which i thought were suitable for my Masthead on my front cover.



I have decided to do an Indie magazine, I will be aiming it at people within any age range, and people who are interested in Indie music, I may try to interest other people who dislike the genre to attract more attention to it. My magazine will be about the artists within the Indie music industry, and it will include interviews with singers and bands, and lots of information about gigs and places you can go to express your love for the music. I will also include a column written by a singer from the Indie genre, and I will have original images to show what type of people come from the Indie genre.

I would like to use very bold fonts that you can see very visibly, and that draw the attention of the reader.  For example, I could use Arial black to make it bold and visible for the masthead, then I could use smaller fonts to show the rest of the information on the front cover and the double page spread. I will probably use neutral colours and then mix them with bolder colours to show that the Indie genre has a lot of variation within it. These colours could represent this.

I could use many different tag lines to draw the readers attention to my magazine, for example I could use ‘the best Indie magazine in the south’ or ‘interview with famous band member inside’ I need to use things that will make everyone want to look inside and read. It will be published in the spring.
I expect to be putting an image of an individual or a band within a rugged area and I expect it not to be very tidy, but with some bright colours in it..

I would like my magazine to sell for £2.00 because normally magazines of the Indie genre are sold for a lot more in the shops, I would like to bring a cheaper option to everyone, and because it is cheaper maybe it will influence them to buy my magazine.

My magazine would be published once a month, because normally you cannot gather enough information to do one weekly.

My dimension will be A4.

I don’t have many ideas for cover lines, but I could use one about having interviews within my magazine. Also I could use cover lines like ‘free tickets to gigs inside!’ and stuff to really interest the readers. 

Friday, 7 January 2011

The Kooks - Naive


Annotation of NME front cover 2

This magazine cover is very different to the other one because it has a lot more going on, a lot more information and the picture is central but it covers the majority of the front cover. The fonts on this front cover are all very much the same but all presented in different colours that go together pretty well, i think that the multi coloured paint splats that is behind the main article title is a very effective way of making the reader want to read on inside. There is a lot of puffs and plugs also on the front cover to make you read inside, and there all in bold colours. I think that this magazine cover is better than the other one, because it has more information on it.

Annotation of NME front cover 1

This magazine is a typical indie magazine, containing a close up of a singer with very individual make-up on. The text on the front cover is very bold and visible and there isn't much on the front cover to see, but the information you do see is relevant. The two colours for the text that are used are yellow and red, these both are two very bold colours and they draw attention to themselves - encouraging you to want to read inside the magazine. the layout is very basic, with the photo on one side and the information on the other, minus the barcode and the name of the magazine. This is a very simple design but its very effective in making the readers want to look inside.